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Labs :: Mobile Lab
Let us bring the lab to you

Forensic &
e-DiscoverY computing


Processing evidence data with specialized software and powerful computer hardware so that it is then indexed, categorized and easily searchable.


This work requires a fast server with lots of memory, highly multi-core processor and high-integrity redundant storage.


We provide an all-inclusive, ready-to-go forensic & e-Discovery server which you can use by yourself or involve us, or both.


Premium 24/7 support included.


More details




Simple pricing



  • 16 threads

  • 64 GB RAM

  • 250 $ per day



  • 32 threads / 128 GB RAM

  • 500 $ per day


  + shipping/transport

  + premium software as req.

  + professional services as req.




Network inspection &
threat detection


Capturing network traffic (internal or internet) with protocol inspection and threat/anomaly detection with Sophos XG perimeter security.


This work requires a dedicated network security appliance for security filtering and threat detection, and a robust indexing server with large high-integrity storage.


We provide an all-inclusive, ready-to-go setup from which you can inspect and monitor all the network traffic details.


Premium 24/7 support included.


More details​




Simple pricing


Std flow

  • Up to 1 Gbps internet

  • Up to 2.5 Gbps ingestion

  • 750 $ per day


Large flow

  •  Up to 2 Gbps internet

  • Up to 10 Gbps ingestion

  • 1800 $ per day


  + shipping/transport

  + premium software as req.

  + professional services as req.



Let us bring the lab to you


Handling and processing digital evidence requires the highest care to maintain the required availability and integrity to support your investigations.

Now you don't need to own forensic lab capabilities to leverage professional investigation equipment, hardware and software.


We provide all you need to handle forensic computing on your own, including:

  • All inclusive and autonomous ultra-fast servers in a water/dust-proof transport container, with high-integrity storage, display, mouse and keyboard;

  • Write-blocking device for tamper-safe data ingestion;

  • Utility fast USB storage;

  • Chain of custody paperwork to document your evidence and actions.

  • Access to the inspection and security consoles of the network monitoring equipment;

  • Access to the OS as administrator on the forensic servers.


Get in touch with us to answer all you questions and and consider any custom requirement of your situation.


More information

More information


  • Servers:

    • We build our servers ourselves with low-noise, cost-effective and premium off-the-shelf parts.​

      • Highly multicore fast processors (8C/16T to 16C/32T);

      • Fast and voluminous memory kits (up to 256 Gb);

      • Enterprise-grade premium hard-drives models for maximum integrity and durability;

      • RAID high-integrity redundant storage and fault-tolerance (hardware on "Boss", software on "Junior");

      • Fast temporary/work storage (SSD or NVMe);

      • Large display included;​

      • "Junior" is mini tower server in a water/dust-proof storage and transport container (single person lift);

      • "Boss" is a 4U server in a 6U rackmount water/dust-proof storage and transport container (2 person lift);


  • Support equipment (when relevant)​

    • Mouse/keyboard;

    • USB write-blocker device;

    • Large quick transfer USB SSD drive;

    • Chain of custody documentation;


  • Network inspection:

    • We use Sophos-branded technologies as a confident corporate user and official reseller, namely the XGS line of appliances (XGS 2100 and above);

    • Network ingestion capacity of the indexing server is typically of 1x 2.5 Gbps RJ45 copper interfaces ("Junior") or 1x10GE SFP+ ("Boss"). Other configurations available on request (4x 1Gbps on "Junior", 4x 2.5 Gbps on "Boss");

    • Network security filtering of the security appliance is typically of 8xGE RJ45 copper interfaces (10GE SFP+ fiber available on request).


  • Write-blockers:​

    • We use industry-approved professional-grade equipment from reputable vendors including:​

      • CRU/Wiebetech​;

      • Tableau;

      • Deepspar.​



  • We use industry-approved professional-grade software from reputable vendors including:​

    • Access Data;
    • Magnet Forensics;Sumuri;​​​​
    • R-tools


  • We also leverage quality and reputable open-source software:
    • Plaso (log2timeline)​;
    • The Security Onion project.



  • Premium 24/7 technical support is available for our solutions, applicable to the troubleshooting of issues with the expected technical functionality.


  • Investigative support (digital forensics, Incident response, fraud examination, reporting, etc) and customer data handling (extraction/preservation, ingestion into the tools, export to external storage, etc) are available under our Forensic & E-Discovery or Digital Evidence Handling offerings.



  • External automatic generator for whole-site power backup.


  • Quality 80+ Gold efficiency power supplies or better in our servers and stations.


  • Monitored intelligent UPS for:

    • Optimal power curves;

    • Surge protection;

    • Power-loss compensation;

    • Clean hypervisor shutdown for data integrity in case of complete power failure.



  • Our prices are expressed in USD currency;​​


  • As some services refer to data sizes, we will use the following standard definitions for our calculations:

    • 1 TB = 1024 GB

    • 1 GB = 1024 MB


(The units should be written TiB, GiB and MiB for exact science and the use of powers of 2, but we want to keep the details simple. In the end our customers save money by calculating this way. See this article for the scientific differences between the unit representations.)


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